Logista responds the doubts or question that you may have about how Logista works


Logista is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its activities


Its Quality and Environment Director Plan and the Quality, Environment and Energy Efficiency Policy    set the guidelines and good practices to optimize the use of resources and prevent pollution in processes, according to strict regulatory compliance and the Group’s targets voluntarily subscribed.

Carbon footprint

Climate Change

Use of renewable


Collaboration with national and international entities

Carbon footprint

Logista calculates the Carbon Footprint of all its businesses and activities in the different countries where it operates, including most of outsourced activities, like transport operations and franchises, as well as indirect activities, like those of acquiring goods and services, water consumption or waste generation.

The calculation is based on the House Gas Protocol norm and emission factors for reporting Green House Gases and on the UNE EN- 16258 norm to set the calculation methodology. A reputed independent firm verifies the calculation according to the UNE-EN ISO 14064 norm   , ratifying the figures, reliability and traceability of the process.

Our transport businesses freely report to its clients the Carbon Footprint of their deliveries and transport routes through its invoices and websites.

Logista is developing a project, “Green Transport”, with the main aim of controlling and managing the transportation’s real information (like real Km. and fuel consumption, efficiency parameters in driving...) to reduce fuel consumption and, therefore, emissions. The project includes the analysis, definition and implementation of short and medium term strategies to reduce such emissions.

Furthermore, Logista continuously works in optimizing routes and renewing transport fleets including efficiency criteria, increasing Euro VI motorizations and alternative vehicles (gas, electric, etc…).

We manage a fleet efficiency index to prevent and reduce its emissions (transport emissions / (aggregate value * distance)). This index has declined during the last three years for the whole fleet, so the Group increased its transport services while emissions did so in a lower proportion.


Climate change

Logista integrates climate change risks into its risks control system, taking into consideration the climate change risks and opportunities, including, among others, those derived from changes in regulation, physical climate and other climate-related developments.

In December 2020, CDP included the Logista Group for the fifth consecutive year in its prestigious “A List” as one of the global leaders fighting climate change. After analyzing data from over 5,800 companies worldwide, Logista becomes the first European distributor to receive this prestigious international recognition for its fight against climate change over a five-year period.

Logista is also part of the FTSE4Good index, comprising companies proving solid practices in environmental, social and corporate governance matters.


Use of renewable energy

Logista is committed to using renewable-produced energy. All directly managed centres in Spain, France, Italy and Portugal use renewable-produced energy and, overall, over 90% of the Group’s premises.


Waste management

Logista collects and analyzes information on water consumption, waste and the most relevant materials for the Group, aiming at an efficient use of resources.

Aiming at reducing fuel and energy consumption, Logista has developed a number of initiatives, such as optimizing routes, adjusting volume to the existing infrastructure, setting local targets and inititaves for reduction at its main warehouses, etc.

Logista carries out periodical energy audits for its main processes and warehouses.


Energy efficiency standards

Logista implements energy efficiency criteria in its distribution network, both in new and already existing premises.

All new premises are designed and built according to the highest energy efficiency standards, reaching high scores in the BREEAM & LEED certifications, like the Leed Gold certifications for the Nacex centre at Coslada (Spain) or the Logista Italia warehouse at Bologna (Italy).

Also, energy audits are periodically carried out in all main premises to identify new opportunities to improve the energy efficiency.


Collaboration with environmental organizations and entities

Logista collaborates with organizations and interest groups favouring improving quality and the environment, and participates and promotes initiatives on environmental protection.

Logista is founding member, together with other Spanish companies, of the Grupo Español para el Crecimiento Verde (Spanish Group for Green Growth or GECV), to work together and to transfer to the society and the Public Administration its vision on the sustainable economic growth model compatible with the efficient use of natural resources.


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