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Suppliers' behaviour general principles



Suppliers’ behaviour general principles

Logista promotes integrating its corporate values throughout its activity’s value chain, developing a responsible management of the supply chain.

At that aim, Logista has set some suppliers’ behaviour general Principles with the minimum standards and basic behaviour norms that must rule the activity of the Group’s suppliers, both in their relationships with Logista and with their employees or other third parties involved in their activity.


Purchasing Policy

The process for selecting and contracting suppliers is objective and rigorous. Logista’s Purchasing Policy includes its main principles regarding ethics, labour, sustainability, quality and vocation for clients, and is applied to every Group’s company and business.

With this Policy, Logista seeks to secure maximum transparency in the contracting process, prevent fraud risks in purchasing processes and facilitate solid, mutually respectful and long-time commercial relations.

The purchasing process is made by formulating Offers Requests, to which some suppliers.

The supplier selection is always taken based on quality according to technical, economic, environmental and contracting criteria, as well as the supplier’s capabilities and references on the good or service to be purchased and its financial status.


Resources optimization

Aiming at optimizing and rationalizing resources, the Corporate Purchasing Direction manages the centralization of those purchases of goods and services relevant for the Group.

Thus, nearly all relevant purchases of goods and services corresponding to general purchases, supplies, maintenance services and information technology and communications, as well as CAPEX, are centralized.