Logista Contact
Logista responds the doubts or question that you may have about how Logista works

Permanent Dialogue

Logista promotes a permanent, fluid and transparent dialogue with all its stakeholders

Logista keeps bidirectional communications and dialogue channels with all of them, aiming at taking into consideration their needs and expectations related to financial, environmental or social matters.

In order to secure a permanent and fluent dialogue, Logista has established specific communication channels adapted to the characteristics of each stakeholder, although it also has communication channels common to all of them, as may be the Company’s web site (www.logista.com) or the corporate reports annually published.



Communication Channels with Shareholders and Investors

  • Personal contact
  • Participation in seminars and forums
  • Roadshows and personal visits
  • Meetings or audio webcasts to inform about results
  • Specific email and phone for shareholders and investors

Communication Channels with Employees

  • Labour Climate Survey
  • Periodical meetings and business conventions
  • Suggestions boxes
  • Intranet
  • Employees’ representatives
  • Newsletters or Internal notices
  • Email

Communication Channels with Clients and Channels

  • Call centres
  • Specific email and form in the corporate website
  • Complaints and claims systems
  • Satisfaction surveys
  • Interviews

Communication Channels with Suppliers

  • Personal contact
  • Meetings
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Suppliers’ websites

Communication Channels with Society and Environment

  • Relationships with different social organizations
  • Direct relationships with different public administrations of the countries where the Group operates
  • Relationships with the media
    • Specific mail box and phone for media
  • Specific mail box in the corporate website for environmental matters
  • Participation in environmental organisms, initiatives and associations