Logista Contact
Logista responds the doubts or question that you may have about how Logista works


Logista is committed to contribute to develop a sustainable business model and adding the maximum possible value to the different stakeholders related to the Group.



Good Governance

  • Promoting the best practices
  • Transparency and two-way communication
  • Group’s fiscal responsibility
  • Principles of the United Nations Global Compact

Shareholders and Investors

  • Long-term sustainable value generation
  • Prudent and responsible risks management
  • Integrity and transparency in the information
  • Fair treatment to all shareholders


  • Promoting employment and motivation of teams
  • Actions designed to recruit talent
  • Training and qualification of our employees
  • Policy on remuneration and social benefits which facilitates the engaging of the best professionals
  • Diversity and equality of opportunities
  • Health, safety and wellbeing of the employees as a fundamental value for the Group

Clients and Channels

  • Excellence and quality in the service
  • Fostering the complete satisfaction of the customers and the correct functioning of the sales channels
  • Stable, long-term relationships


  • Optimisation and rationalization of resources
  • Maximum transparency and preventing the risk of fraud in the contracting process
  • Promoting the knowledge and application of the Code of Conduct and of the principles upon which the Group’s Purchasing Policy is based

Society and Environment

  • Identification, monitor and control the most relevant environmental indicators (control panel)
  • Collaborating in, participating in, and supporting national and international initiatives for the protection of the environment
  • Development of the Energy Efficiency Plan
  • Promoting the CSR culture